
Supreme Master Ching Hai Declares April 3rd as International Artist Day to Honor and Celebrate All Artists for Bringing Love, Comfort and Joy to the World 清海無上師宣布四月三日為國際藝術家節,以尊崇並歡慶全體藝術家為世界帶來愛、溫馨及歡樂。  INTERNATIONAL – “This International Artist Day, I hope the whole world will recognize, will celebrate, celebrate big, like other holidays. In order to honor the artists…” declared Supreme Master Ching Hai, humanitarian, artist and spiritual Master in January of this year.  –國際性宣傳– 「我希望全世界都能認同這個國際藝術家節,全世界都來大舉慶祝,就像慶祝其他節日般,為了向藝術家致敬…」清海無上師 --人道主義者、藝術家及靈性導師,於今年一月宣布。   In order to highlight the love, passion and creativity artists around the world provide society, this special day is celebrated to show respect and appreciation for artists in all fields, both living and past, for their noble contributions to our world. All too often, artists go unnoticed and yet play such a big part in everyday life.   為突顯世界各地藝術家給社會帶來的愛、熱情和創造力,這個特殊節日應運而生,要向各個領域的藝術家,不論是在世或已故的藝術家,對我們世界付出的高尚貢獻,表達敬意和感激。藝術家往往被忽視,卻在日常生活中扮演非常重要的角色。  為了彰顯世界各地藝術家給社會帶來的愛、熱情和創造力,這個特殊節日應運而生,要向各個領域的藝術家,不論是在世或已故的藝術家,對我們世界付出的高尚貢獻,表達敬意和感激。藝術家在日常生活中扮演重要的角色,但卻太常被視而不見。Supreme Master Television will offer a variety of entertaining shows the week of April 3rd to pay tribute to Earth’s artists. As a part of our regularly scheduled programming throughout the year, we highlight talented musicians, singers, dancers, performers, painters, authors, photographers, actors and actresses from all over the world as well as recorded performances. Watch Supreme Master Television online: www.SupremeMasterTV.com  無上師電視台將於四月三日該週推出各式各樣的娛樂節目,來向地球上的藝術家致敬。我們特別介紹世界各地才華出眾的音樂家、歌手、舞者、藝人、畫家、作家、攝影師、男演員和女演員,擇日安排在我們全年度定期節目時刻表中播出。 線上觀看無上師電視台:www.SupremeMasterTV.com   Supreme Master Television is a worldwide, non-profit online TV channel, airing constructive news and programs that foster peace and promote healthy, green living. Our station acts as a harmonious bridge of understanding and appreciation of our world’s magnificent cultures, airing to an ever-increasing and loyal international audience. We are honored to support and uphold the collective ideal of love and peace for which our planet’s citizens strive. Together we look forward to ushering in a new era of nobility and harmony.  無上師電視台是全球性、非營利的線上電視頻道,播映建設性新聞與節目,旨在促進和平與提倡健康環保生活。我們電視台為世界各地偉大璀璨的文化搭起兼容並蓄的橋樑,讓所有文化能夠藉此互相理解並欣賞彼此。收看無上師電視台的忠實觀眾遍及全球各地,且持續增加中。我們很榮幸支持和擁護地球公民,渴望獲得愛與和平的共同理想。讓我們一起攜手迎接高雅和諧的新紀元。   Supreme Master Television Artistic Programs 無上師電視台的藝術節目  Enlightening Entertainment features diverse programming to nourish the soul such as cultural shows and performances, professional operas and concerts, international children’s shows, elevating interviews with musicians, dancers, artists, performers and more.   靈性綜藝以豐富而滋養靈魂的主題為觀眾帶來喜悅,內容涵蓋文化節目和表演、專業戲曲和音樂會、各國兒童的表演,訪談音樂家、舞蹈家藝術家、表演家等各領域的藝術工作者。   Uplifting Literature delves into the wonders of the literary world and brings life to inspiring books and stories from international authors, suitable for all ages.  心靈書房探索文學世界的奧妙,對於那些出自國際名家,適合各年齡階層,激勵人心的書籍和故事集,賦予新的生命。  A Journey Through Aesthetic Realms is an award-winning series showcasing the beauty and spiritual nature of our planet and its vibrant cultures, plus amazing artistry from extraordinary individuals in literature and film.  藝術與靈性是獲獎系列節目,展示我們星球的美麗與靈性本質,以及它充滿活力的文化。還有卓越藝術家在文學與電影中精采的藝術表現。  Cinema Scene shares international movies from modern day to timeless classics, covering wholesome themes and uplifting messages.  電影世界分享國際電影,從現代到永恆經典之作,涵蓋有益身心健康的主題和振奮人心的訊息。