
孫麗翠,出生於台灣,為上默劇團藝術總監。1980年畢業於台灣國立藝術專科影劇科後赴歐洲深造,旅居德、英、法、義等國繼續學習表演藝術。1983~1986年間於巴黎受教於賈克樂寇(Jacques Lecoq)、馬歇馬叟(Marcel Marceau)、艾田德庫(Etienne Decroux)及湯馬契夫斯基(Henryk Tomaszewski)等戲劇大師,直至1993年返台。1999年創辦上默劇團。


孫麗翠的默劇編創作品有:《浮世》、《山海經-巫人演義》、《浮生》、《食蓮者》、《曼荼羅》等,2018年創作《太空 Lacuna》一劇紀念恩師馬歇馬叟逝世十周年。連續參與十屆法國外亞維儂藝術節,亦受邀參與諸多國際藝術節的演出,所到之處均獲佳評。



Sun Li-Tsuei

Sun Li-Tsuei, born in Taiwan, is now the Director of Shang Orientheatre. After graduating from the film and drama department at the National Taiwan Academy of Arts in 1980, she underwent further training in performance art in Germany, England, France and Italy. Between 1983 and 1986, she learnt skills from various acclaimed theatre masters, which include Jacques Lecoq, Marcel Marceau, Etienne Decroux and Henryk Tomaszewski. She returned to Taiwan in 1993, and by 1999 had established Shang Orientheatre, remaining as Art Director to the present day.

Sun Li-Tsuie had learned Taiji, qigong and classic literature since she was a little girl. She loves to study Chinese Nuo drama, and observe natural movement quietly. From her observations, she develops exquisite and accurate performances of great mime body language. She creates her overall performance of From Arts to Dao by combining performance art with a natural spirit and expresses it through mime.

The mime works of Sun Li-Tsuei are Floting World, Shan-Hai-Jing Odyssey Shaman, Lagan, Lotus Eater, Mandala…etc. She created Lacuna in 2018 to commemorate the 10th anniversary of her teacher Marcel Marceau’s passing. She has participated in the Festival d’Avignon for 10 years as well as many other national festivals, and her performances have received rave reviews everywhere.

