






Dili Elementary School Children’s Choir

Located in Dili Village of Nantou County, Dili Elementary School students are participants in the Vox Nativa Children’s Choir. A renowned indigenous mountain village, Dili belongs to the Bunun tribe; a people renowned as pure and kind-hearted folk.


With resonant voices, when performing the Pasibutbut, the world famous eight-part polyphony, the children of Dili reveal heavenly voices, as pure as crystal clear spring water. Though they have had no formal musical tuition, organization or conductor, they rely on the elder kids teaching their younger brothers and sisters. The school principal is also enthusiastic about leading the choir. Despite their shyness, the children of Dili always sing in a majestic manner. With a natural passion for singing, when they are dressed in their traditional costumes, it is as if every cell of the children’s bodies has been awakened to perform.

The Supreme Master Ching Hai once remarked that indigenous people are God’s beloved people. No matter what their material conditions are, they are always pure and rich in the heart, and so joyful; that’s why they are very close to God. Dili children sing with innocent and natural voices. Their purity and happiness will definitely strike a chord in the audience’s souls.


演唱曲目  Program


1【大自然的呼喚】2.5分   【The Calls from the Nature】2.5 minutes


Paiskalupaku     ho he he   Paiskalupaku     ho he he Manananu         ho he he   Manananu         ho he he

Liskatama        ho he he   Liskatama        ho he he

Ta-aza qanian    ho he he   Ta-aza qanian    ho he he



Paiskalupaku     ho he he

Manananu         ho he he

Liskatama        ho he he

Madaidaz taisan  ho he he

Taaza qanian    ho he he

Minsial isang    ho he he

Tahu su ma       ho he he

Minhamu lusan    ho he he


從現在起   From now on

從現在起   From now on

堅定信念   Be firm in our faith

堅定信念   Be firm in our faith

仰望天神   Look upon God

仰望天神   Look upon God

聆聽天的旨意   Listen to the will of God

聆聽天的旨意   Listen to the will of God


從現在起   From now on

堅定信念   Be firm in our faith

仰望天神   Look upon God

慈愛弟兄姊妹   Love our brothers and sisters

聆聽天的旨意   Listen to the will of God

潔淨我們心靈   Cleanse our hearts

傳達旨意   Pass on the will

參加祭典   Come join the festival



2【祈禱小米豐收】1.5分【Pray for a good harvest of Millet】1.5 minutes






3【盛裝赴宴】1.5分  【Get dressed for the party】1.5 minutes

Asa sai dusa ali

Mun baav tusasaus

Maluqus kana valu

Painukan kulimg


賽伊想邀請阿莉一起   Sayi wanted to invite Ali

到山上參加盛宴歡唱   To go to the grant party in the mountain to sing

以苧麻編織   Weave with ramie

穿著肚兜   Dress in belly-band



4【歡慶】1分、2分      【Celebrate】1 minute、2 minutes

Tangkaviaz tus tus

Tangkaviaz tus tus

Tangkaviaz tus tus

Vidung vidung cungkitaz


舞蹈……… Dance……

勾肩搭背,腳點點   Bend your arm round each other’s shoulder; tap, tap, tap

勾肩搭背,腳點點   Bend your arm round each other’s shoulder; tap, tap, tap

勾肩搭背,腳點點   Bend your arm round each other’s shoulder; tap, tap, tap

左右搖擺,翹臀吧!   Swing your body, tilt up your butt



5【讚頌】    1.5分   【Praise】    1.5 minutes

Hu Hu Hu

Tataqua vang






呼!呼!呼!   Hu! Hu! Hu!

請訴說吧!   Please tell us

您的生活經驗   Your life experience

我們洗耳恭聽   We are listening

莘莘學子   Diligent students

努力向上   Work hard

(自由發揮……)   (freestyle)



6【快樂的小螞蟻】1.5分    【Happy Ants】1.5 minutes

haiza tasa qalua

ansa qan bainu

nitu maqtu ansaqan      lusqa tinqaiding


unaui muskun manaskal

hai yo hai yo

hai yaina hai yo


Machial machi-hal

Machial machi-hal

Tuzatu tuzatu

Uninang uninang


有一隻螞蟻   There is an ant

搬一顆花生米   Moving a peanut

因為搬不動   Because it can’t move it

只好歪著頭嘆無奈   It tilts its head and sighs


敬邀大家一起歡樂   Come have some fun

嗨呦 嗨呦   hai yo hai yo

嗨呀哪嗨呦   hai yaina hai yo


美好 真美好   Nice, how nice it is

幸福 真幸福   Happy, how happy it is

真心 真心的   Sincerely grateful

感恩與祝福   And wish you the best



